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Research Paper | Social Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Analysis of Sustainability Management of River Flow of Wae Batu Gajah City Ambon
Robert Oszaer, Jusmy Dolvis Putuhena
Abstract: The role of Wae Batu Gajah Watershed which has a function as water regulator and as a water source is now beginning to have a very significant change with the rate of change of forest land cover into a settlement that ultimately undermines the sustainability of ecological functions. This damage can be proved by the phenomenon of flooding, which occurs in the rainy season and dryness in the dry season. Analysis of the sustainability of Wae Batu Gajah Watershed has a goal 1). Analyze the index and sustainability status of Wae Batu Gajah Watershed from ecological, economic and social dimension.2). Test the validity and test the accuracy of the sustainability index of Wae Batu Gajah Watershed Management. The results showed that the multidimensional sustainability index for the three dimensions of ecology, economics and social is 50.97 % with fairly sustainable category. Validation test shows the difference of Monte Carlo and MDS analysis value on the 95 % level of average confidence for three dimensions is 0.72 %, the determination value (R2) between 93.86 % - 95.18 % means the model of sustainability index estimation is good and adequate, value of stress 0.2 which means that the MDS analysis model obtained has a high accuracy (goodness of fit) to assess the index of sustainability of Wae Batu Gajah Watershed.
Keywords: watershed, land capability, watershed characteristic, sustainability index, multidimentional scalling
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Pages: 896 - 901
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