The Role of Community Radio in Promoting Child Nutrition in Rural Communities of Rwanda: A Case of Isangano Community Radio
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Communication or Media Studies | Rwanda | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10


The Role of Community Radio in Promoting Child Nutrition in Rural Communities of Rwanda: A Case of Isangano Community Radio

John Paul Sesonga, Dr. Margaret Jjuuko, Dr. Hellen Mberia

Abstract: The community radio broadcast has never been considered in Rwanda since independence until 1990s when airwaves were liberalised. In Rwanda social and demographic researchers have persistently indicated that the levels of chronic malnutrition among children under five years continue to be high at 38 percent especially in rural areas. A nutrition and food security report highlights the possible causes of persistent chronic malnutrition in Rwanda as due to illiteracy among other causes. The objectives of this study To determine the role of community radio programmes in promoting child nutrition in rural communities of Rwanda, to analyze the role of community radio participants in promoting child nutrition in rural communities of Rwanda and to examine the role of community radio messages in promoting child nutrition in rural communities of Rwanda. For this study researcher applied descriptive research design to reach at the findings. The population of this research study is 267 people comprised of breast feeding mothers from two sectors of Gitesi and Rubengera selected randomly from Karongi. The sample size of this study is 158 breast feeding mothers. Researcher used questionnaire and interview technique the main research instrument of data collection taking Isangano community radio located in rural Karongi district as a case study. Various research has indicated that, the preparation of quality child food requires a basic knowledge of what constitutes a nutritious diet and how breast feeding mothers can best meet their nutritional needs from available resources. This research has found out that 90.5 % of respondents accepted that they listen to radio Isangano where nutrition expert are always on air educating the mothers on how they can prepare good nutrition for their children. The views of respondents also show that (79.7 % & 13.9 %), agreed that breastfeeding women have information about the introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods for children. R square is 0.743, implying that community radio have impact on promoting child nutrition in rural communities in Karongi district. In general community radio is very important in promoting child nutrition in rural communities in Rwanda. According to the results of the research, most of the time information delivered through community radio program for rural communities, the targeted population especially breastfeeding mothers in rural areas listens and embraces messages. Therefore this research confirms the role of community radio in promoting good child nutrition. However, it is could be important for community radio program designers understand elements of good child feeding and investigate the information gap to better prepare good messages that responds to the information needed by breast feeding mothers to better feed their children and reduce child malnutrition.

Keywords: community radio, child nutrition and rural communities

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017

Pages: 212 - 216

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John Paul Sesonga, Dr. Margaret Jjuuko, Dr. Hellen Mberia, "The Role of Community Radio in Promoting Child Nutrition in Rural Communities of Rwanda: A Case of Isangano Community Radio", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017, pp. 212-216,, DOI:

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