International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017

Advanced Maternal Age & Adverse Fetomaternal Outcome: A Retrospective Study

Dr. Lipipuspa Pattnaik [2] | Dr. Asima Das [2] | Dr. Sarika Avasthi [2]

Abstract: INTRODUCTION Advanced maternal age is defined as age 35 years or more at the time of conception is considered to have higher incidence of adverse fetomaternal outcome than younger women. MATERIALS AND METHODS It is a retrospective study carried out in KIMS Medical College & PBMH, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India over a period of 1 year from August 2016 to July 2017. The women delivered during this period were divided into 2 groups. Women who conceived at 35 years and above were taken as study groups and those between 20 to 34 years were taken as control groups. Multifetal pregnancies were excluded from the study which have got their own complications and may confound the result. Selected maternal and perinatal factors and outcomes were taken and analyzed. RESULT The mean age of the study group was 36.8 and control group was 26.7. The incidence of medical disorders like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism & obstetric disorders like APH, oligohydramnious, IUGR, breech presentation were increased. There was an increased incidence of fibroids complicating the pregnancies. So also there is an increased incidence of caesarean deliveries, still births and NICU admissions. In all the above cases p-values were significant and below 0.05. CONCLUSION The study analyzed the effect of advanced maternal age on maternal and fetal outcome has shown a significant rise in the incidence of adverse outcomes. The importance of the study lies in that these women should be counseled and put under close surveillance in order to improve the outcome Advanced maternal age, adverse fetomaternal outcome. INTRODUCTION During the last decade, the world is witnessing a rising trend in pregnancy in a later age either due to delayed marriage and delayed child bearing as a result of passion for higher education and financial independence or due to a good spacing between pregnancies for a happy family which is possible because of availability of a wide range of safe, efficient and easily accessible contraceptives. Another important contributor to late age pregnancy is increasing rates of remarriages following divorces. Aim of the study is to compare the obstetric and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies of advanced age mothers and younger mothers

Keywords: Advanced maternal age, adverse fetomaternal outcome

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017,

Pages: 1475 - 1478

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