International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Business Management | Kenya | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017

Adoption of Prepaid Electricity Metering System and Customer Satisfaction in Nairobi County, Kenya

Angelina M. Wambua | Peter Kihara | Henry K. Mwenemeru [2]

Abstract: The general objective of the study was to find out the relationship between adoption of prepaid electricity metering system and customer satisfaction in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives To establish the effect of costing on prepaid electricity on customer satisfaction, To determine the effect of reliability on prepaid electricity on customer satisfaction, To determine the effect of availability on prepaid electricity on customer satisfaction, To evaluate the effect of flexibility on prepaid electricity on customer satisfaction. The study adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 1200 KPLC customers whose meters had been converted from postpaid to prepaid metering system. The sample size was 138 out of which 120 responded. The study used stratified sampling procedure. Inferential statistics was carried out that involved regressions analysis using a multiple linear regression model to establish the relationship between prepaid metering system and customer satisfaction in Nairobi County. The study findings established that there is a relationship between adoption of prepaid electricity metering system and customer satisfaction in Nairobi County, Kenya. The major factors established by the study that influence the adoption of prepaid electricity metering system and customer satisfaction were costing, reliability, availability and flexibility. The study established a weak positive correlation between adoption of prepaid electricity metering system and customer satisfaction in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Keywords: Prepaid electricity metering system, customers satisfaction

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017,

Pages: 1702 - 1710

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