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Research Paper | Geography | France | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Akouedo, The Landfill Overexploited and Dangerous of Abidjan District (Ivory Coast)
YAO-KOUASSI Quonan Christian, GOHOUROU Florent
Abstract: The demographic explosion combined with the socio-political crisis accentuates thedifficulties of the authorities of the district of Abidjan to set up efficient infrastructures andservices for the management of household, hospital and industrial waste. The majority of thiswaste is found directly on the sidewalks of the district or at the Akoudo landfill, whichremains the only legal reservoir. On the basis of this observation, our study proposes toanalyze and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the Akoudo landfill on the riparianpopulation. To this end, we carried out a hybrid investigation with a direct observation of thestudy area followed by a field survey of a population of 876 people living in the village of Akoudo. This work has shown on the one hand that the Akoudo landfill is saturated with thepresence of heavy metals. On the other hand, it has dangerous environmental and healthimpacts on the neighboring populations and the Ebri lagoon
Keywords: Akoudo landfill, Riverains, Environmental impact, Health impact, Ebri lagoon, Abidjan district, Ivory Coast
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017
Pages: 246 - 249
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