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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Immunology | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
The Role of Integrin ?2 (ITGA2) factor in Iraqi Females Patients with Breast Cancer
Amenah Ali Raheem Al-Musawi, Dr. Asmaa M. Salih Almohaidi, Dr. Hazima Mossa Al-Abassi
Abstract: Cancer is the second leading cause of death throughout the world. Breast cancer is one of the leading mortality reasons in women from Western Countries In Iraq, breast cancer is the second reason of death After cardiovascular Diseases. Integrin are heterodimer integral membrane glycoproteins with distinct Two chain, , one of the receptors of adhesion molecules has an important role in metastasis. The study included (106) female sample of Iraqi people. In divided into two groups, The first group (68) patients with breast cancer, were investigated, the patients attended to (tumor unit at madienat alteb teaching hospital and Al-Amal Al-Waanii hospital in Baghdad, while second group (38) apparently healthy controls. ELISA and PCR has been used in this study. ELISA Technique has been used to determinate the serum level of integrin 2 (an adhesion molecules) while in PCR Technique used to study the polymorphism of integrin 2 (ITGA2) gene (C807T), the two under studying group undergo to the both technique. The serological study was carried out by using ELISA technique, while molecular study was carried out by using PCR technique, 5ml of peripheral blood had been drawn from each patients, then blood sample divided in two part (2 ml) in Gel tube for serological study, and (3ml) in EDTA tube for molecular test. By ELISA technique the results that recorded ( ITGA2) a non-significant differences in patients (25.17 1.15) than controls (24.20 2.03). A molecular study part ( PCR RFLP) employed 106 individual (68) patients and (38) healthy individual. The electrophoresis results for gene (ITGA2) at site C807T for two alleles are (T, C) showed a three genotypes (TT, CT, CC) and repeat compositions genetic (TT) that recorded a non-significant differences while the genotype (CT, CC) recorded a higher significant differences under probability P<0.01 in the patient group than control. Allele T recorded a non-significant differences in patients compared to control using the test Fisher and relying on relative factor and showed that the allele T was Etiological faction (EF). while allele C showed a non-significant difference in patients compared to controls by using test Fisher depending on relative factor showed a preventive faction (PF) of the disease. Repeat genotype TT difference is a non-significant in patient compared to control and showed style of etiological faction (EF) of disease, while genotype CT showed a significant difference under probability <0.05 in patients compared to controls and recorded style of Etiological faction (EF) of disease. Whereas a repeat genotype CC showed a non-significant difference in patients compared to controls and showed style preventive fraction (PF).
Keywords: Breast cancer, integrin 2, C807T
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017
Pages: 2131 - 2137
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