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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
To Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Urinary Tract Infection among Adolescent Girls in Selected Schools
Priyanka V. Shikhare, Vaishali Taksande
Abstract: Background Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the common of all in affecting humans throughout their lifespan. It occurs in all populations-from neonates to geriatric patients. But it has a particular impact on females of all ages (especially during adolescent period).1 Objectives To assess the existing knowledge regarding urinary tract infection among adolescent girls in selected schools. To assess the effectiveness of self instructional module regarding urinary tract infection among adolescent girls in selected schools. To find out the association between knowledge score with selected demographic variables among adolescent girls in selected schools. Methods and Materials The study was a one group pre test and post test design (Quasi experimental research design) Population for the study was adolescent girls in selected school. The sample consists of 100 adolescent girls. Inclusion criteria adolescent girls, who are from age 12 to 16 year, who are willing to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria were those girls who had diagnosed urinary tract infection, those who have attended similar type of programme within 6 months. . In this study, the sampling technique used was non-probability convenient sampling. Framed the item and same were incorporated into the tool and self instructional module. The reliability of questionnaire was done by Guttman Split Half Coefficient. Results In Pre-test the 1 (1 %) of adolescent girls were having poor level of knowledge score, 56 (56 %) of adolescent girls were having average level of knowledge score, 40 (40 %) of adolescent girls were having good level of knowledge score, only 3 (3 %) had very good level of knowledge score. The minimum score was 5 and the maximum score was 16, the mean score was 10.39 2.428 with a mean percentage score of 41.56. In Post- test the 3 (3 %) of adolescent girls were having good level of knowledge score, 78 (78 %) of adolescent girls were having very good level of knowledge score. And 19 (19 %) of them had excellent level of knowledge score. The minimum score was 12 and the maximum score was 22, the mean score was 18.91 1.897 with a mean percentage score of 75.64.
Keywords: urinary tract infection, self instructional module
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017
Pages: 256 - 258
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