A Study to Assess the Practical Knowledge on Basic Life Support among Newly Inducted Medical and Nursing Students in Selected Institutions
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10


A Study to Assess the Practical Knowledge on Basic Life Support among Newly Inducted Medical and Nursing Students in Selected Institutions

Lt Col Bindu Sara Mathew, Lt Col Vandana Agnihotri

Abstract: Background-Basic life support (BLS) is the simplest and most cost effective evidenced based method to save lives in emergencies. Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) accounts for more than 50 % of all other deaths. SCD is on rise specially in urban India. Global burden of disease study estimates that 52 % of cardiovascular disease occur below 60 yrs in India. By 2020 AD 2.6 million Indians are predicted to die due to heart disease. Nearly half of these death are likely to occur in young and middle age.95 % those die due to SCD are not receiving life saving BLS. In various studies it is found that essential knowledge and skill in this simple life saving technique is lacking and the crucial time is wasted there by precious lives are lost. Studies also proved that skill can be mastered from 08 years of life. So the present study was undertaken to assess the level of existing practical knowledge on BLS of those students who just completed 12 th standard and entered to a professional course so that BLS can be made mandatory education from the primary level in view of mastering this simple act of life saving skill, thus preparing each student a responsible citizen towards our society Methods A non experimental descriptive design was adopted for this study. A simple random sampling was applied for selection of samples. The data was collected by means of structured questionnaire consists of demographic data, base line information on BLS and 36 knowledge questionnaire to assess the practical knowledge on BLS. Each correct answer were given one mark. It was conducted in 3 Nursing colleges and one Medical college using a sample size of 190. Newly enrolled students (within a week of joining) before undergoing any theoretical or practical session on BLS. The score obtained was converted into inferential statistics. Aim The purpose of this study was to assess the practical knowledge score on BLS among newly inducted Medical and Nursing students and to find the association of their practical knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Results Out of 190 samples majority belonged to the age group of 15-18 years and were females (58.42 %). Medical students were 60 % and 40 % were B Sc Nursing students. Majority have completed higher secondary education (85.26 %) and rest were graduates. The maximum number of students (122 students) scored average marks 64.74 %, 68 students scored 35.26 % (poor) but none possess good knowledge. (score of 0-12 poor, 13-24 average and 25-36 good) Conclusion The result of the present study showed that none of the sample possess good practical knowledge on BLS ( score of 0 %,) BLS saves life. Good knowledge on BLS can only saves victims life successfully. Average score of 64.74 % average score is not enough to revive a victim successfully) and poor score of 35.26 %. The knowledge was highly deficient in the area of technique of BLS. This suggests there is an urgent need of creating awareness among the public on the skill. BLS skill all citizen should possess. It is a very simple procedure as one can master it from the age of 8 years. Immediate recognition of a cardiac arrest and respond as early to the situation rightly at right time can save many precious lives. Major sources of knowledge were media and NCC/scouts but was inadequate Learning the BLS skill from the primary level will not only help to master the skill but also to develop sense of responsibility and confidence towards the fellow being which would help to grow the child as a responsible fellow being.

Keywords: Basic Life Support, BLS, Practical knowledge score, Newly inducted

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017

Pages: 854 - 857

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Lt Col Bindu Sara Mathew, Lt Col Vandana Agnihotri, "A Study to Assess the Practical Knowledge on Basic Life Support among Newly Inducted Medical and Nursing Students in Selected Institutions", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017, pp. 854-857, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20175921, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20175921

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