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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Satellite Image Enhancement for Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
Kavana A M, Dr. Mohamed Rafi
Abstract: Pan-sharpening is the way toward enhancing spatial determination of multi-phantom (MS) satellite pictures utilizing the spatial subtle elements of a high determination Panchromatic (PAN) picture. The combination of multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) pictures is a valuable procedure for upgrading the spatial nature of low-determination MS pictures. Picture combination is the procedure by which input pictures are melded so as to increment the quality. The information pictures must be the pictures of a similar scene with various quality measures. The nature of the yield picture will be superior to anything any of the information pictures. To talk about the use of this technique to a famous remote detecting application called container honing, which comprises of the combination of a low determination multispectral picture and a high - determination panchromatic picture. The principle techniques for the picture combination include straightforward picture combination, pyramid based picture combination and wavelet based picture combination and to centers around Four informational collections by the Pleiades, Worldview-2, Icons, and Geoeye-1 satellites are utilized for the execution evaluation, affirming the viability correlation in light of the nature of the yield picture with and without Discrete Wavelet Transform. Higher visual quality is accomplished by performing DWT based addition. It likewise talks about the diverse quality measurements that can be utilized to evaluate the nature of the yield picture
Keywords: Image fusion, Panchromatic images, Multispectral images, PCA, Wavelet
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Pages: 1296 - 1300
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