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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Tour Planning Mechanism Using CLR Method to Achieve Reliability Control in WSN
Shraddha Patil, Madhav Ingle
Abstract: In this proposed research, by introducing mobility into the network, a new data-gathering mechanism for large-scale wireless sensor networks is proposed. An M-collector a mobile data collector could be a mobile robot or vehicle equipped with a powerful transceiver and battery. It works like a mobile base station and gathers data while moving in the field. An M-collector, periodically gathers the data from the static data sink. Then it polls data from each sensor node when it traverse through its transmission range. Later MDCN collects the data from the sensor node directly in a single-hope communications and finally transports all the collected data to static sink node. The lifetime of sensor is expected to be prolonged as the data packets are directly gathered without relays and collisions. In this research methodology, the main focus is to minimize the length of each data gathering tour which is referred as SHDGP which is single-hop data gathering problem.
Keywords: MDCN, WSN, SHDGP
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Pages: 666 - 668
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