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Research Paper | Agriculture | Libya | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Effect of Some Plant Powders against Fusarium spp. and Macrophomina phaseolina Under Greenhouse Conditions
F. A. Abushaala, A. R. Ben Ramadanm, M. A. S. Fahej
Abstract: Chemical fungicides cause serious environmental problems. Plant based pesticides considered to be better alternatives as they are known to have minimal environmental impact in contrast to synthetic pesticides. The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of some plant powders on controlling damping-off disease incited by the tested pathogens under greenhouse conditions. Seed treatment with the tested plant powders significantly reduced TIP values incited by the tested seed-born pathogens. The highest reduction rate (37.5 %) was detected in R. raetam / F. semitictum / CREDO cv. treatment, whereas the least rate (4.55 %) was realized in C. trifurcatum F. semitictum and F. moniliforme interactions in ANANAS cv. . The highest TIP reduction rates (33.33 %, 23.53 % and 22.22 %) were observed in R. raetam / F. solani, R. raetam / F. moniliforme and R. raetam / M. phaseolina treatments, respectevily. The highest reduction rate (25.0 %) was detected in P. dactylifera / F. semitictum and F. solani interactions in CREDO cv. Significant reduction in PRD values was detected as a result of seed treatment with the tested plant extract, attaining maximum rates in R. raetam / F. solani (43.75 %), F. semitictum (33.33 %), M. phaseolina (28.57 %) and F. moniliforme (23.07 %), while in P. dactylifera treatment gave the highest reduction rates (37.5 %, 26.32 % and 25.0 %) were observed in F. solani / CREDO cv. , F. solani / ANANAS cv. and M. phaseolina / ANANAS cv. Significant reductions PTD in damping-off incidence in all cantaloupe cultivars were obtained due to treatment with most of the tested plant powders, but in some treatments were non effected, however, R. raetam was more efficient in reducing damping-off incited by F. semitictum, F. moniliforme and F. solani (42.86 %, 28.57 % and 27.27 %, respectively compared with control). On the other hand, P. dactylifera and C. trifurcatum were more efficient in controlling damping-off caused by F. semitictum, where reduction %, compared damping-off incidence. Generally, R. raetam was more effected to controlling the tested pathogenic fungi followed by P. dactylifera.
Keywords: Damping-off pathogens, Plant powders, cucurbit seed-borne fungi, Antifungal activity
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Pages: 1096 - 1101
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