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Research Paper | Business Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017 | Popularity: 7.2 / 10
The Effect of Service Quality toward Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty in Bank Jabar Banten Bogor Branch
Dena Graharnadi, Budi Suharjo, Netti Tinaprila
Abstract: Bank as financial intermediary sees the importance to give services in attempt to fulfill customer satisfaction, successful services felt when they can exceeds what customer wants. Service quality include five dimensions such as Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible. All five dimensions are the important things that affect satisfaction and in the end will create trust and loyalty for customers. The purpose of this study are 1) measuring the overall satisfaction index that given by bank BJB Bogor branch, 2) to analyze the impact of satisfaction toward loyalty, 3) to analyze the impact of satisfaction toward trust, 4) to analyze the impact of trust toward loyalty. This research used descriptive approach. The data were gathered using survey method on 170 respondents with a category of Bank BJB customers that already have one year saving and age over 17 years. The data were analyzed with Structure Equation Model (SEM) analysis using Lisrel program. The related variable are service quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. Result of this study were 71.76 percent customers were not satisfied with the services that given by BJB Bogor branch, satisfaction didnt have direct effect on loyalty, but through trust first, satisfaction directly affect trust and lastly trust affect significantly toward loyalty.
Keywords: Loyalty, satisfaction, SEM, service quality, trust
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Pages: 1156 - 1159
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