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Research Paper | Pharmacology Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
A Questionnaire based Assessment of Postgraduate's and Clinician's View on Pharmacogenomics in a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr. Vinothini.V, Dr. Geetha.K, Dr. Sarojini.V, Dr. Parameswari.R
Abstract: Aim of the study Aim of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacogenomics among postgraduates and clinicians. Materials and method Based on a cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire on a five point scale. The questionnaire consists of three clusters which evaluate participants awareness, perception, and practice of pharmacogenomics in clinical situation. Result In the cluster which evaluated the awareness and practice the positive response of agree/strongly agree were 57.3 % and 54.6 % respectively. In the cluster which evaluates the participants attitude the positive response were 91.8 %. Comparing the positive response of clinicians and postgraduates, there is no much difference in attitude part. In awareness and practice part there is distinguishable difference between the two. Conclusion In our study there is wide gap between attitude, knowledge and practice. Ample number of participants gave neutral response which makes creating awareness more significant. This study highlighted the felt need of pharmacogenomics in medical curriculum.
Keywords: pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, medical curriculum, KAP studies
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Pages: 935 - 939
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