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Research Paper | Agricultural Economics | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Determinants Decisions of Wetland Paddy Farmers Switch to Fishery at South Sumatera Indonesia
Fifian Permatasari, Andy Mulyana, Najib Asmani, Yunita
Abstract: Determinant Decision of Wetland Paddy Farmers Switch to Fishery at South Sumatera Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the farmer households in the conversion of wetland into fisheries and calculate how differences in income received by households of farmers from the conversion of paddy fields to fishery in East OKU Regency, at South Sumatera Indonesia. Research has been conducted in the month of January to May 2015. The location determination is done intentionally (purposive), in the district of East Buay Madang, East OKU regency with the consideration at that location, there were a lot of wetland paddy farmers do a lot of land conversion to fishery at South Sumatera Indonesia. The method used in this study is the survay method and sampling method used was multistage purposive random sampling. The population is taken at 302 farmers comprised 261 rice farmers who did land conversion to fisheries, 100 farmers were taken as the samples. The data used is primary data obtained directly from the field using a questionaire as a data collector and secondary data is data obtained from agencies involved in this study. Data processing was performed using logistic regression model to determine the factors that influence the conversion by rice farmers and t-paired test analysis to determine differences in farm income of paddy with fish. Based on the survey results revealed factors significantly influencing household farmers to land conversion of paddy to fisheries that income fish farmers (US$/ha/year), the number of family members and the amount of rice production (kg/ha), The effect is not obvious is the level of education (year) and the age of the farmer (year). Having analyzed using the t-paired test analysis showed that t test on 17, 149 sig 0, 000. There was Rp.33.650.854 a year or Rp.2.750.000 a month between fish and paddy income. The fish income was Rp 75.439.619 per hectare per year bigger from the income of paddy was Rp 41.788.765 per hectare per year.
Keywords: Decision Farmer Households, Land Transfer Function, Fishery
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Pages: 841 - 844