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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Effectiveness of Slabs in Restraining Lateral Torsional Buckling of Steel Floor Beams
Ehab G. Al-Hasany, Dr. Salah R. Al-Zaidee
Abstract: This research aims to study experimentally if one could depend on friction forces between beams and slab and on slab in-plane stiffness in resisting lateral torsional buckling of the supporting floor beams. Four scale-down models have been adopted in the experimental work. In the first model, a single beam has been subjected to a uniform pressure to estimate its strength. In the second and third experimental models, concrete slabs have been casted against rough and smooth top flanges respectively. Finally, in the fourth experiential model, concrete slab has been cast against a corrugated metal plate that in turn has been supported on top flange of the beam. This study indicates that friction between slab and top flange of the beam, pressures acting on top flange, and lateral stiffness of slab all of them have large influence in restrain floor beams against lateral torsional buckling.
Keywords: Stability, Lateral torsional buckling, Steel structure, Non-composite action
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 2353 - 2360
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