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Case Studies | Business Management | Kenya | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Influence of Entrepreneurial Strategy on Customer Satisfaction in Water Providers in Kenya: A Case Study of Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Limited
Marita Francis Asiago, Dr. Samson Nyangau Paul
Abstract: The study sought to determine the influence of entrepreneurial strategies on customer satisfaction in water providers in Kenya as the general objective. The study was guided by four objectives To identify organizational networking challenges faced by ELDOWAS in improving customer satisfaction, To establish money management strategies with the highest returns investment in ELDOWAS, To examine technological strategies adopted by ELDOWAS to improve customer satisfaction and To establish planning strategies used by ELDOWAS in improving customer satisfaction. The study adopted a descriptive research design to collect data. The study covered a sample size of 69 drawn from a population of 230 employees of Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Limited. The sample was selected through stratified random sampling technique. The main data collection instrument was questionnaire which contained both open ended and closed ended question. Descriptive statistics data analysis method was applied to analyze data aided by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 to complete response of mean, frequencies, percentages and standard deviation results. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive of tables and bar charts. Finally, Multiple Linear Regression model was used to determine the significance of the independent variable in the dependent variable. The study concluded money management followed by organizational networking then planning and lastly technology influenced customer satisfaction in ELDOWAS differently. The study recommended that the ministry of water and stakeholders responsible in water industry should train all employees involved in water provision and customer satisfaction. The training should emphasis on improving leadership management of top managers, shaping organizational culture affecting employees and focus on improving organizational objective in order to get good returns.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial, strategy, Customer, satisfaction, Services
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 2361 - 2365
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