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Research Paper | Environmental Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Treatment of Dairy Wastewater by Physiochemical Method
Bharat Bairagi, Prof. Deepak Rastogi
Abstract: Environmental engineering and wastewater treatment are growing concerns of today. With the increase in population, industrialization is a must to meet the growing demand, which leads to environmental problems like air pollution, land pollution and water pollution etc, out of which water pollution is the most serious. Our Present work deals with the Dairy Industry wastewater its characteristics, treatment & disposal. The composit wastewater generated from Dairy plant contains high BOD, COD, Total solids, Dissolved solids, Suspended solids and Oil & Grease. Due to highly biodegradable nature of dairy wastewater it requires urgent attention. The treatment of such wastewater is normally based on the treatment i. e. Activated Sludge Process, Oxidation Ditch, Oxidation pond, Aerated Lagoon. But in presence study we perform physicochemical treatment for the Dairy wastewater treatment. We use chemical such as Alum, Lime, Ferric chloride, Ferrous sulphate for physiochemical treatment and examine their optimum dose by conducting standard Jar Test in our PHE laboratory. Now at optimum dose the treated effluent is analyzed, for different parameters such as pH, COD, BOD, TS, TDS, TSS and Oil & Grease. It was observed that by using Alum dose of 75 mg/l, results in reduction of COD, BOD, TS, TSS and Oil & Grease as 30 %, 20 %, 11.94 %, 62 %, 45.78 % respectively. In second attempt we added a dose of 10 mg/l of Lime with 50 mg/l Alum dose, results in reduction of BOD, COD, TS, SS and Oil & Grease as 37.5 %, 23.5 %, 13.7 %, 72.2 %, 57.3 % respectively. By using a dose of 300 mg/l of Ferrous sulphate, result in reduction of BOD, COD, total solids, TS, SS and Oil & grease as 55 %, 32 %, 31.9 %, 88 %, 53.8 % respectively. Using 300 mg/l of Ferric chloride, result in reduction of BOD, COD, TS, TSS and Oil & Grease as 47.55, 13.5 %, 44.3 %, 76 %, 60.8 % respectively. From the above observed values it was found that Ferrous sulphate proved to be the most effective chemical for the removal of COD, BOD, TS, SS and Oil & Grease. These results indicate that coagulation and flocculation process of physicochemical treatment is effective in the treatment of wastewater from Dairy plant.
Keywords: BOD, COD, Wastewater, Total solids TS, total suspended solids TSS
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 2134 - 2136
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