Distribution Patterns and Household Food Security Fishermen in the Village Sengkol
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Agricultural Economics | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10


Distribution Patterns and Household Food Security Fishermen in the Village Sengkol

Suparmin, Nurliah, Sharif Husni

Abstract: DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY FISHERMEN IN THE VILLAGE SENGKOL Suparmin1, Nurliah, 2, Sharif Husni, 3 1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram suparminjinem@gmail. com 2Fisheries Studies Program, University of Mataram 3Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram husnisyarif@ymail. com In detail, this study aims to 1) describe patterns of distribution and allocation of working time, patterns of production and consumption patterns of households of fishermen, 2) to test the effect of the determining factors of the household food security of fishermen. This research use descriptive method and is designed in the form of survey. The study area is from 11 coastal villages there been one village in Sub Pujut ie Sengkol village. Determination of the village is deliberately based on coastal areas of potential for the development of seaweed. Households fishermen into the sample were selected by random sampling of 30 households of fishermen. The data have been collected and then classified for further analysis 1) To determine the pattern of distribution and allocation of working time, patterns of production (income) and the pattern of consumption (expenditure) of households were analyzed descriptively.2) To estimate the influence of the independent variables on household food security of fishermen analyzed by logit regression. The study concluded the following 1) The distribution pattern of working time used for activities Household fishermen catch fish in the sea, as a trader, as labor or services. The average working time devoted during the year totaling 1, 348 hours or days 192.57 or 3.69 hours per day.2) The pattern of the distribution of household income derived from the activities of fishermen looking for fish in the sea, trade, and labor or services. The average household income of fishermen during the year amounted to Rp 24.212.533, 33.3) The distribution pattern of household expenditure fishermen divided into expenditure on food and non-food. Average household expenditures during the year amounted fishermen Rp19.663.700, 00.4) Determinants of household food security is a household income of fishermen household

Keywords: working time, production, consumption, the determinant factor, spending

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017

Pages: 2073 - 2078

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Suparmin, Nurliah, Sharif Husni, "Distribution Patterns and Household Food Security Fishermen in the Village Sengkol", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017, pp. 2073-2078, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20172797, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20172797

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