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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Bulgaria | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Development of Intelligent Security Door
Georgi Balabanov
Abstract: The majority of people are afraid about their homes and personal property. And that sounds reasonable because of the time that we are living in the uncertainty is everywhere around us. There are so much burglaries and no one is insured against them. Considering the high rate of crimes and insecurity there are a lot of designs of doors of the highest standards of security. In this paper we present the development and implementation of innovative intelligent security door for home and office with integrated access control management system, remote monitoring and control system. All integrated systems are positioned inside the door. Also there is a set of sensors, which gives information about the state of the door at any particular moment. The proposed security door can be locked or unlocked from any place in the world via users mobile phone. It also can send him an information about burglary attempts. If the user is in front of the intelligent security door he can use RFID card for locking or unlocking it. The system is developed over embedded microcontroller. The paper presents the main idea of such development, the system architecture and the main functionalities.
Keywords: smart security doors, smart home, IoT
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 1526 - 1529
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