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Research Paper | Environmental Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Performance Evaluation of Moving Bed Bio-Film Reactor (MBBR) for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater
Sangramsingh A. Thakur, Isha P. Khedikar
Abstract: The moving bed bio-film reactor (MBBR) is the promising technology for the biological treatment of domestic as well as the industrial wastewater. Interestingly, the technology has the considerable scope to reduce the operation and maintenance cost with better efficiency. The attached growth system is suitable for the treatment of domestic wastewater which is rich source of organic matter as well as nutrients in the form of nitrate and phosphate. The attached bio-film is responsible for the biodegradation of the organic matter which remains in continuous suspension form under the aerobic condition. The subsidiary carrier filling rate and higher wastewater flow rate is responsible for the detachment of bio-film formed on the carriers. The present study was aimed to enhance the performance of reactor while treating the domestic wastewater. The continuous flow reactor is operated at constant organic loading rate and carrier filling rate with varying HRT. The experiments carried out for the varying HRT range of 24 hrs and 48 hrs shows varying BOD and COD removal efficiencies up to 90 % and 95 % respectively. Also, the TSS and TDS removal efficiency is seen up to 65 % and 40 % respectively.
Keywords: Domestic Wastewater, MBBR, HRT, COD, BOD, TSS, TDS
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 973 - 976
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