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Survey Paper | Management | Malaysia | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Determinants Influencing International Students? Satisfaction and Loyalty in Malaysian Private Universities
Babita Gupta, Usman Musa Zakari Usman
Abstract: Satisfaction of students in an educational institution has become a strategic issue for university to survive and thrive. Few studies investigate the factors that influence the international student satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the international student satisfaction and behavioural intention-loyalty. This research aims to study that there is significant relationship between determinants service quality, organization public relationships on foreign students satisfaction and behavioral intention-loyalty in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions. Data was collected from seven private universities in Malaysia. A total of 823 respondent participated in this study. Findings indicates that the most important factors are the reliability, tangibility, commitment and trust in relationship with the university. A practical recommendation was given to decision makers to enhance the international student satisfaction. For future research, it was suggested that to conduct qualitative studies to identify the dimension of international student satisfaction.
Keywords: Loyalty, Student Satisfaction, Service Quality, Organization-Public Relationship, Structural Equation Modeling, SmartPLS 315, Private Universities,
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 1292 - 1296
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