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Survey Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
A Survey of Substantial Digital Image Watermarking Techniques
Neha Sharma, Rasmiranjan Samantray
Abstract: In this paper, we have discussed about the various technique of watermarking. In which watermark is embedded inside the original data to provide copyright protection. Watermarking or digital signature belongs to the information hiding field. It has a lot of research interest in digital image watermarking scheme because of illegal access of data and unauthorized manipulation of multimedia data. Here we have discussed about detail survey of newly and existing watermarking techniques. The different techniques of watermarking are classified on the basis of their different domains.
Keywords: Digital image watermarking, discrete wavelet transform, singular value decomposition, encryption, PSNR Peak signal to noise ratio, MSE Mean square error, RDH Reversible data hiding
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
Pages: 765 - 769
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