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Research Paper | Zoology | Uzbekistan | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Fauna of Straight-Winged Insects of the Plato Ustyurt (Insecta: Orthoptera)
Maxset J. Medetov
Abstract: . In the article, according to results of the scientific research es, there were defined 41 species of insects of the group of the straight-wingeds class belonging to 28 generations of 4 (four) families on-the territories of the Plato Ust-Yurt. One to their living conditions these species were divided into 11 groups. Theze zoo-geographically researched species belong to 6 groups by latitude and 9 groups-on longitude. . Studying the natural areas that they inhabit snows they are divided into 10 species which are registered as=extremely rare, 8 rare ones, 20 ever-inhabitants and one wich is pecularly adaptable to common developing surcumstances, flying in large groups destroying all crops where ever they appear.
Keywords: Fauna, orthoptera, Plato Ust-yurt, population, straight-winged insects
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
Pages: 462 - 464
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