International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Anthropology Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017

Ethnographic Studies of Low Coverage of Breast Milk Exclusively in the Siklus Newborn's Life of the Women of Walsa Tribe At Keerom Regency, Waris District in Papua Province 2016

Heni Voni Rerey | Fachry Amal | Maria Loihala

Abstract: The success of national development of a nation is determined by the availability of human resources (HR) quality, namely human resources have a tough physical, mental health, and a strong mind even against the mastery of science and technology. Son as the successor to the nation's human resources and the hope of the future of the family, society and the State to be given directional coaching as early as possible, even in the womb. To achieve optimal flower growing among others by giving breast milk to infants from birth, in the early minutes of life, until the age of 6 months breast milk given an other without food. This research conducted related to the low coverage of exclusive breast milk on a newborn, using qualitative research methods with the approach to Ethnology. The informant is the capital research that provides breast milk Exclusively in the newborn and the mother who does not provide Exclusive breast milk in the newborn. The results obtained from the research of a Mother giving exclusive breast milk on a newborn baby who still provide exclusive breast milk though, have a job that cannot be abandoned so that the child should be brought to the garden. But the mother had tried to give the milk Formula, while mothers who do not provide Exclusive breast milk in the newborn give a reason be different. But the average says her breast milk, however constrained by the job.

Keywords: Breast milks exclusively, The newborn, The Walsa Tribe

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017,

Pages: 14 - 18

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