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Dissertation Chapters | Environmental Science Studies | Nepal | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Status of Water, Sanitation and Hygeine Practices (Wash) in Government School of Butwal Municipality, Western Nepal
Top Raj K. C.
Abstract: WASH (Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion) in schools, plays an important role to provide a safe, healthy and comfortable environment where children grow, learn and thrive. This study was carried out to find the status of water, sanitation and hygiene practices in government school of Butwal municipality, Western Nepal. The study was done using random sampling method during June 2013 and September 2013. Eighty percent of the sampled schools had adequate water supply but only 10 % of the sampled schools had adequate number of water tap with respect to students (1 50). Forty percent of the sampled schools drinking water exceeds nitrate level than NDWQS- 2062. Fifty percent of the sampled schools drinking water was unfit due to the presence of coliforms. Only 20 % of the sampled schools filtered the water before storing into tank. Only 20 % of the sampled schools tested the quality of water once a year. Forty percent of the sampled schools had adequate number of toilet for boys and only 10 % of schools had adequate number of toilet for girls (401 for boys and 201 for girls). Only 20 % of schools were child friendly in terms of toilet. Only 20 % of schools had effective handwashing practices. All schools had no dental hygiene program. Eighty percent of schools had menstrual hygiene facilities. Only 20 % of schools used incinerator for solid waste management. All schools had no effective liquid waste management practices. In Majority of school operation, maintenance and repairing was problem on WASH facilities. The result obtained from the study showed that the hardware components of WASH are not adequate to meet the WASH standard and the software component (hygiene promotion) in school was not effectively implemented. The study also found the coliform contamination to be the key problem with drinking water.
Keywords: WASH, Hardware component, Software component, Coliform
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Pages: 224 - 227
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