Transperineal Ultrasonography in Infants with Anorectal Malformation
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Radiological Sciences | India | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10


Transperineal Ultrasonography in Infants with Anorectal Malformation

Yash Jardosh, Daxa Chavda, Mahesh Vadel

Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Anoractal malformation is a complex spectrum of anomalies. There are 3 tyes of anoractal malformation high, intermediate and low. The distinction can usually be made on the basis of clinical data regarding the presence or absence of a visible perineal opening or passage of meconium through the vagina or urethra This study was conducted to assess usefulness of Transperineal ultrasonography (TPU) as an a non-invasive imaging technique in detection of the type of anomaly, presence and location of fistula. RESULTS The findings of transperineal ultrasonography (TPU) were correlated with gold standard surgery (Perineal anoplasty/PSARP). The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and diagnostic accuracy of TPU was 87.5 %, 100 %, 100 %, 77.77 % and 91.307 % respectively in detection of fistula in ARM. CONCLUSION Anorectal malformations are complex spectrum of anomalies predominantly seen in male infants (82.35 %) with male to female ratio of 4.61. Transperineal ultrasonography (TPU) is a valid and an accurate non-invasive imaging technique in detection of the type of anomaly, presence and location of fistula

Keywords: Anoractal malformation, transperineal ultrasonography, perineal anoplasty

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017

Pages: 1653 - 1655

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Yash Jardosh, Daxa Chavda, Mahesh Vadel, "Transperineal Ultrasonography in Infants with Anorectal Malformation", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017, pp. 1653-1655,, DOI: