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Survey Paper | Dental Science | Bulgaria | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Management of Deep Bite in Adults?A Combination of Myofunctional Appliances and Fixed Technique
Miroslava Dinkova
Abstract: Deep bite is one of the most common malocclusions. Traditional techniques correcting overbite features in all malocclusions have been known to be quite complicated, and challenging to orthodontists. The aim of current study was to present a combined approach for management of deep bite adult patients including fixed appliances and myofunctional Trainer for Braces appliance. Materials and methods The current study included 28 patients (18- 52 y. ). Full orthodontic analyses, including diagnostic radiology, photo documentation and impressions of every patient were before and after the treatment. Inclusion criteria for the study were Class I and Class II malocclusions (dental and/or skeletal), deep overbite with overlap in incisors> 30 %, completed skeletal growth (>18years), malocclusion requiring fixed techniques, oral muscles hyperactivity. Patients were grouped Group 1- patients treated only with fixed mechanics and Group 2 - patients treated with fixed mechanics and Trainer for Braces. Results showed no significant skeletal changes. The achieved overbite correction was due to dentoalveolar changes (incisor inclination, upper to lower incisor relationship, Curve of Spee). The treatment time was reduced due to the combined approach of fixed and myofunctional appliances for treatment of deep bite in adults.
Keywords: Deep bite, TrainerTM, Myofunction, Fixed technique, Treatment
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Pages: 258 - 265
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