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Research Paper | Diabetology | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Knowledge and Awareness of Insulin Usage among Diabetic Patients in Chennai
Joshini Shanmugam, Dr. Anitha Roy
Abstract: Aim and Objective The aim of this study is to assess and evaluate the knowledge of insulin in diabetic patients and establish awareness about insulin. Methodology A pretested questionnaire consisting of 23 questions were framed based on the knowledge and awareness of insulin and were sent through online communication system (Whatsapp) with attached link to the online questionnaire (http//surveyplanet. com/586530bbf46b72049e627266). It was totally sent to 120 participants Result 16 % of the responders were unaware about the normal blood sugar level. About 51 % of the study population do not get the post meal sugar check on a regular basis.28 % miss their insulin doses often and about 37 % never got a eye check-up done. About insulin self administering, 18 % are not confident.61 % of the responders are unaware of the insulin therapeutic uses for gestation diabetes and about 49 % think that insulin is safer than oral hypoglycaemic agents. Conclusion Our study shows that majority of the responders had misconceptions regarding usage of insulin. Most of them were careless and were not confident in self administering of insulin. Hence, proper education and awareness programmes must be planned to educate people on proper directions and attitude towards insulin in order to avoid unnecessary complications.
Keywords: insulin, diabetic patients, diabetes mellitus, kap survey
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Pages: 889 - 891
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