Awareness of Medical Students at Al-Imam University of the Medical Uses and Benefits of Honey
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Survey Paper | Medicine Science | Saudi Arabia | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 7 / 10


Awareness of Medical Students at Al-Imam University of the Medical Uses and Benefits of Honey

Talal T. Abo Al-Jadayel, Abdulrahman Abo Salamah, Salman SafaHagi, Mohamed aqeel Al-Ghamdi, Yousef Mahmoud Alyamany, Abdulhakim Ali Alkhodair, Anas M. Alhasoun, Abdullah S. Aloraini, Hamzza S. Ghazal

Abstract: Aim To assess the knowledge of Al-Imam Mohamed Ibn Saud University, collage of medicine undergraduate students about complementary and prophet medicine in general. And the uses of honey in different medical specialty. Identifying weak areas since the complementary medicine is a block of 5 weeks length is added to the students curriculum. To improve final outcome of the block. Prove that honey affect different aspect of health positively. Methodology We conducted a cross sectional study w ere a total of 100 questioner where distributed over 100 undergraduate students. The undergraduate students were selected randomly (systemic random sampling) based on the attendance sheet of the first, second and third year in medical college in the first semester of 2013. We decided to take thirty percent of each year randomly. Repeated students were excluded from the sample and replaced by other student same method of choosing the other proved students. Result Data were collected by a questioner filed by 100 undergraduate student from first, second and third year in collage of medicine at Al-Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud University. Collected data were analyzed later. The undergraduate students were subdivided based on their grade point average.3-3.5/5 (10 %), 3.5-4/5 (50 %), 4-4.5/5 (25 %) and >4.5/5 (15 %). We found the 55 % of the approved sample have good background about the honey usage and the benefits in different medical aspect.40 % of those who knows honey benefits and medically uses use honey daily. The rest of the population were ranging from one time per week to one time per month. Conclusion honey has proved that if affect the health in different aspects and have proved that it can be used as an immune system builder, wound and burns healing, gastric disorders, sore throat, dental care, anti-cancer agent and weight loss diets. Since the study was done in Al-Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud University, collage of medicine. We found that more than 50 percent of the students have a fair knowledge about medical uses and benefits of honey, the higher the GPA the higher the knowledge. Also from our view as undergraduate student we see that we can improve the complementary medicine block outcome by converting most of the lecture given by doctors to seminars conducted by students to maximize the overall benefit. Conduct a problem base learning sections so the student have more chances to increase their knowledge while they are searching and reading for facts on a given subject.

Keywords: Honey, Complementary, Medicine, Student

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017

Pages: 1994 - 1998


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Talal T. Abo Al-Jadayel, Abdulrahman Abo Salamah, Salman SafaHagi, Mohamed aqeel Al-Ghamdi, Yousef Mahmoud Alyamany, Abdulhakim Ali Alkhodair, Anas M. Alhasoun, Abdullah S. Aloraini, Hamzza S. Ghazal, "Awareness of Medical Students at Al-Imam University of the Medical Uses and Benefits of Honey", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017, pp. 1994-1998,, DOI:

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