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Review Papers | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Laparoscopy Interfacing with MEDNET Software
G. M. Ghormode, V. R. Bora
Abstract: Laparoscopy is a technique that is used for diagnosis and treatment of internal organs in abdomen by inserting a camera through incision. In this paper we are introducing a novel technique has been proposed through which we enable a Doctor to access data remotely with remote server. Here the images and video are taken by the laparoscopy camera and are then transferred to the Raspberry-Pi controller through optical fiber cable without disturbing existing Laparoscopy system. The controller then processes the data and may transmit it to the remote location server to other doctors that can help in treatment and diagnosis.
Keywords: Laparoscopy, camera, Raspberry-Pi controller, Optical fiber cable
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Pages: 1725 - 1727
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