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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Analytical Study of Solitary Nodules of Thyroid in Adults: A Clinical, Histopathological and Surgical Management
T. Henry Prabakaran, P. Rajeswari, R. Saminathan, S. Sachithanantham
Abstract: Solitary nodule of thyroid can exhibit various pathology like adenoma cyst thyroiditis lymphoma and thyroid carcinoma. Objective The aim and objective of this study to find out incidence and prevalence of solitary nodule of thyroid in semi urban regions. Clinical data, various presentation of swelling, clinical symptoms and signs to study the correlative findings of pre FNAC and post operative histopathology examination and study the intra operative and post operative complications. Study design Descriptive analytical study of 100 adult patients present with solitary nodules of thyroid to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid nodules, clinical data, FNAC, and histopathology examination and study the laboratory values were entered and anlaysed most cases hemithyroidectomy done, and confirmed by HPE.
Keywords: Dominant Nodule, FNAC, Clinical Data Histopathology Examination
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Pages: 1872 - 1880
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