International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017

Developing an Insight into the Art and Science of Well-being

Kiran Rani [4] | Ashish Kumar Dhawan

Abstract: The concept of well-being has remained in discussion since the times of philosophers like Aristotle, as it may be considered, in many respects, the essence of human existence. In recent times, well-being has moved from the realm of philosophy to that of science and has attracted many a researchers into the search of what contributes to the state of well-being of people. This has enabled a new understanding of the factors that both influence and constitute well-being. Present paper attempts to develop an insight into those factors that influence and constitute well-being viz. Autonomy, Environmental mastery, Personal Growth, Positive Relations, Purpose in life, Self-acceptance etc. The science of well-being suggests that for experiencing good feelings, people need to have a sense of individual vitality to undertake activities which they perceive to be meaningful, engaging, and make them feel competent and autonomous. It is also crucial to have resourcefulness to help cope when things go wrong, acceptance towards ones flaws, taking the failures and defeats in a sportsman spirit and be resilient to changes beyond their immediate control. The paper further suggests the measures a teacher can adopt to boost the feeling of well-being among his/her students.

Keywords: Well-being, Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth, Positive Relations, Purpose in Life, Self acceptance

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017,

Pages: 600 - 602

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