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Research Paper | Linguistics | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Parallelism and Metaphor in Death Ritual Speech Rambu Soloq at Toraja Culture
Naomi Patiung, Tadjuddin Maknun, Marthen L. Manda, Hamzah Machmoed
Abstract: This study aims to explain parallelism and metaphor in Osong chant death ritual speech and Mebala Kollong speech at ritual ceremony Rambu Soloq at Toraja culture. This study was a participative observation conducted in Ao Gading village, Sadan and Balusu district of North Toraja regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The data were in the form of social situations and events ie. Osong and Mebala Kollong speech obtained through recording, interview, and note taking. The data were analyzed by interpretive-qualitative technique. The results showed that denotative utterances of Osong death chant ritual speech and Mebala Kollong speech constructed by some kinds of style such as a metaphor, parallelism, symbolic, tautology, and repetition. While, connotatively-symbolic this ritual speech expressed social relations and values of socio-cultural forms of supplication, reverence, worship, praise, hope, majesty, prayers and others.
Keywords: Rambu Soloq, parallelism, metaphor, Osong and Mebala Kollong
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Pages: 631 - 638
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