Skill Development Programs for School Curriculum Enrichment- Solution to Drop Out Problem: A Study Based on Slum Area Children of Bhopal City
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016 | Popularity: 7.2 / 10


Skill Development Programs for School Curriculum Enrichment- Solution to Drop Out Problem: A Study Based on Slum Area Children of Bhopal City

Dr. Diwakar Singh

Abstract: Skill Development Programs for School Curriculum Enrichment- Solution to drop out problem A study based on slum area children of Bhopal city Dr. Diwakar Singh Associate Professor, Christ College Bhopal diwakarsingh04@rediffmail. com 9425024983 Secondary education is, perhaps, the most important part of an individuals education as it is during these years that a student decides what he/she is going to take up for further education and how he/she is going to earn his/her daily bread. Introduction of RTE Act 2009 has increased the enrollment in schools to a great extent but at the same time problem of drop out is of serious concern. This paper is based on primary and secondary data highlighting the problem of drop out, its reasons and solution. After collecting the information from different stakeholders (based on questionnaire) regarding the problem of drop out, the possible solution for retaining the students in the school and providing right education, is ensuring them about their career and financial growth. Such growth can be guaranteed through enriching present day curriculum with skill development program. This paper focuses on the reasons for drop out in schools and attitude of Low Socio economic Status Parents towards curriculum enrichment with skill development program. The data for the purpose is collected using a self prepared questionnaire one for students (to find the reasons of drop out) and other to study the awareness and attitude of parents towards skill development program was applied. Sample includes 123 boys, 51 girls and 47 parents. Purposive sampling is applied, for analyzing the data percentage and bar graph is used. It was found that poor economic condition of the family is the main reason for drop out, also the other reasons directly or indirectly creating hurdles in continuing the studies. On the other hand when parents were asked about the skill development program, the awareness level seems to be very low. They only heard about it but are not aware of its type and importance. When explained about the career and employability scope of Skill development program in school curriculum, most of the parents are quite positive towards introducing such program. The reason behind their excitement is not surprising as their poor economic condition need guarantee of such a skilled child which not only get employed but also ready to contribute financially to the family. Thus it can be concluded that School curriculum enrichment with skill development program will definitely help in slowing down a drop out rate to a great extent. Also, for the effective and fruitful result of Skill Development Program of government, proper awareness campaign and monitoring is needed.

Keywords: Skill Development, Program, School Curriculum, Enrichment, Drop out

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016

Pages: 1295 - 1297

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Dr. Diwakar Singh, "Skill Development Programs for School Curriculum Enrichment- Solution to Drop Out Problem: A Study Based on Slum Area Children of Bhopal City", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016, pp. 1295-1297,, DOI:

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