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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
The Effect of Physiotherapy and Life Style Modification in Treatment of Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint in Elderly in Community
Dr. Dharmang D. Vyas
Abstract: Background and purpose It has been suggested that physiotherapy has been proved to be an effective, non-invasive and cost effective treatment in OA knee. This when combined with life style modifications like dietary changes and weight loss also further helps improving the discomfort due to OA of the knee This study also investigates the effect of physiotherapy and life style modification mainly use of standing toilet over Indian toilet and to study its effect on quality of life, range of motion of the knee joint and quadriceps strength. Methods Subjects were recruited as per the assessment of OA knee and were distributed into 2 groups. All the subjects were assessed for quality of life on WOMAC scale, knee range with goniometer and quadriceps strength using biofeedback pressure cuff/modified sphygmomanometer. Group 1 was only prescribed exercises that were to be done twice a day for 4 weeks. Group 2 was also prescribed same exercises but in addition to it this group was also advised on use of standing toilet over Indian toilet, avoids using floor kitchen, reducing the use of stair case as much as possible and avoid prolonged cross leg sitting. This was carried out for 4 weeks and the outcome measures assessed again. Results As per the intervention no significant improvements were noted in quality of life or knee range of motion either within the group or between the groups. Though there was a definite improvement in the quadriceps strength but no significant relation was seen. Conclusions Physiotherapy when combine with life style modification mainly the use of standing toilet over Indian toilet has no significance in improving quality of life, knee range of motion and quadriceps strength.
Keywords: Osteoarthritis of the knee, life style modification, physical therapy, goniometer, Sphygmomanometer, WOMAC
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016
Pages: 395 - 400
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