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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Perception of Women Consumer towards Branded Cosmetics in Nagapattinam District
P. Priyanga, Dr. R. Krishnaveni
Abstract: This study attempts to investigate the factors that influence the purchase intention of female customers towards cosmetics Nagapattinam district of Tamilnadu a countryside area. A total of 130 current customers using cosmetics were approached to collect data, by means of questionnaires. They were analyzed utilizing the descriptive research technique. The study found that the perceived level of brand reputation, advertising credibility, brand origin and experiential benefits of the cosmetic brand generates higher levels of satisfaction effects for women consumers. The results imply that marketers should focus on brand image attributes, quality and benefits in their effort to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty. By maintaining and strengthening the brand images and values, it will position the brand positively in the minds of consumers.
Keywords: Perception, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Pages: 652 - 654
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