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Research Proposals or Synopsis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Analysis, Design & Construction of National Highway
Depavath Jagan, Neha Deekshith
Abstract: In flexible pavement designs the structures deflects, flexes, under loading. Each layer receives load from the above layer and spreads them out and passes on these layers to below lower layer. Thus the stresses developed will be maximum on to the top layer and minimum to the top of sub grade. In order to take maximum advantage of this property, layers are to be arranged in descending order with highest bearing capacity of material on top and lowest on the bottom. The long-term performance of rigid pavement depends not only on proper pavement design and materials selection, but on good construction practices as well. The construction of a rigid pavement involves many processes including proper preparation of the sub grade and sub base, placing reinforcing bars or dowels, choice and handling of aggregates and other materials, development of concrete mix design, production and transport of the concrete, and placing, finishing, curing and joint sawing the concrete. The Pavement length is about 138kms from Hyderabad to Srisailam Highway Collected all the data required for pavement designing like traffic details, and so on based on which the design is done. In this project we calculate the design criteria using empirical design method and also by using IRC codes. The main objective of this project is to identify the design criteria of flexible pavement & its material characteristics, durability of flexible pavement its strength and design life.
Keywords: Atterbergs limits, Compaction tests, Cone penetration test, free swellIndex, CBR& Plate load Test
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
Pages: 1335 - 1336
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