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Research Paper | Physics Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Intermolecular Interaction Studies of Ethyl Bromide in Non-Aqueous Solution
Seethalakshmi.K, Jasmine Vasantha Rani.E
Abstract: Ultrasonic technique is the vital probe in evaluating the thermo-dynamical parameters such as internal pressure and free volume. Compressibility measurements are highly accurate and yield interesting informations. The sign and magnitude of compressibility indicates the solvation effects. The structural changes in the primary and secondary regions are generally referred to as solvation. The solvation of emimBr in non-aqueous medium is taken for interpreting the various interactions occurring between the solute and solvent and the effect of temperature and concentration on solvation is also analyzed. The thermochemical parameters have been proven to be a very useful tool in elucidating the structural interactions taking place in the solutions. In the present investigation, non-aqueous solutions of emimBr have been prepared with various concentrations and the experiments were carried out to measure ultrasonic velocity (v), density (), viscosity () from a low temperature of 5C To a high temperature of 55C. Using these experimental data, the acoustical parameters such as adiabatic compressibility (), apparent molal volume (v), apparent molal compressibility (k) were calculated. These experimental values have been analyzed and eventually emphasizing the possible molecular interactions in terms of structure promoting nature of the sample in the solvent.
Keywords: ultrasonic velocity, density, viscosity, solvation number, compressibility
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016
Pages: 339 - 342
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