International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Education Management | Sri Lanka | Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016

A Linguistic Study to Identify Writing Errors in English: Based on Year Eleven Students of Uva Province - Sri Lanka

Nihal Wella Arachchi

Abstract: Making errors when learning a language has become universal. There is a pattern of making errors among Sri Lankan students though they come from different locations and follow the same syllabus in their schools. The most determinant factor is environment. This hypothesis is tested by comparing and contrasting the errors committed by a sample group of year eleven students from two different schools in Uva Province who study English as a second language. The identified errors are analyzed under, Inter lingual errors and Intra lingual errors. The errors committed by group I (G1) and group II (G2) are compared and contrasted one another in detail to identify common errors and distinctive errors they made. Thus, the methodological analysis enabled the researcher to identify the authentic reasons that prevent the learners from writing correctly. For example, the first language interference, overgeneralization of known rules etc. Most of the areas where students have made errors are treated logically after a thorough analysis. Variables that have influenced some errors are also dealt with in this study. Combination of finding of the study and the insight gained in the process of the study are used to draw conclusions of the error types and thereby the researcher has made suggestions to improve writing skills of the students at year eleven and made suggestions to minimize those errors when learning English as a second language in future. Phonological aspect of their writing is totally excluded

Keywords: language interference, overgeneralization, second language, inter lingual, intra lingual, first language

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016,

Pages: 133 - 140

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