Effect of Carmoisine Orally Administered on Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone of Albino Rats
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Toxicology Science | Nigeria | Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10


Effect of Carmoisine Orally Administered on Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone of Albino Rats

Ibioku Elekima, Ollor Amba Ollor

Abstract: The effect of carmoisine orally administered on thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone on albino rats were evaluated. Thirty rats (30) weighing approximately 0.14kg were used for the experiment. The rats were divided into five groups namely 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each group consist of six (6) rats. When the T3, T4 and TSH were analysed statistically, results obtained showed that Group 1 (control 0.0g/kg) had 0.2200 0.0609, 2.185 0.4687 and 0.7933 0.541 for TSH, T4 and T3 respectively. Group 2 (0.07g/kg) had 0.1887 0.0723, 2.847 0.7020 and 1.332 0.4913 for TSH, T4 and T3 respectively. Group 3 (0.11g/kg) had 0.3767 0.3051, 2.438 0.2255 and 1.375 0.5023 for TSH, T4 and T3 respectively. Meanwhile, Group 4 (0.14g/kg) had 0.1017 0.0279, 3.012 0.4185 and 1.087 0.4628 for TSH, T4 and T3 respectively. Finally, Group 5 had 0.0933 0.0378, 3.4370 0.5896 and 1.688 0.6748 for TSH, T4 and T3 respectively. The comparison of Group 1 and Group 2 (table 4.1) and group 1 and Group 3 showed no significant differences in TSH, T4 and T3 (p<0.05). The comparison between group 1 and group 4 (0.14g/kg bodyweight) was significant for TSH and T4 (p<0.05) but was not significant for T3. Finally, the comparison between group 1 and group 5 (0.18g/kg bodyweight) showed a significant decrease in TSH and a significant increase in T4 and T3. The study would showed that high doses of carmoisine up to 0.14g/kg bodyweight and above induced hyperthyroidism and reduced TSH plasma levels in albino rats. The study suggested that oral administration of carmoisine dyes induced a dose-dependent increase in the plasma levels of T3 and T4 as well as reduced level of TSH of albino rats.

Keywords: Thyroxine T4, Triiodothyronine T3, Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH, Carmoisine,

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016

Pages: 29 - 32

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Ibioku Elekima, Ollor Amba Ollor, "Effect of Carmoisine Orally Administered on Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone of Albino Rats", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016, pp. 29-32, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20161782, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20161782