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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Product Review Sentiment Analysis with Aspect Ranking
Harsha Patil, P. M. Mane
Abstract: Now a day's product reviews are available on internet for popular products. Consumers commonly search for quality information from that customers can earlier make their purchasing product decision, product development and marketing and consumer relationship management. When reviews on various aspects of a product are in textual format, it is difficult to identify and analyze such customer reviews, we proposed system where automatic identification for important product aspect is done to improve usability of numerous reviews. In our system, consumer reviews of the products in free text format are given as input to system, initially we parse the reviews by using NLP for identifying aspects of products then used sentiment classifier for sentiment analysis where the review comments are classified as positive or negative sentiment and probabilistic aspect ranking algorithm is used for ranking the aspects. we developed the DICE algorithm where sentiment analysis is done by measuring similarity matching in the terms of common bigrams and aspects are ranked again. Finally we get important aspects.
Keywords: Consumers review, product aspect identification, sentimental classification, Aspect Ranking
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Pages: 749 - 752
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