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Research Paper | Economics | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Assessment of Personal Hygiene Knowledge and Practices: An Empirical Study of Schooling Children in Warangal
Dr. B. Suresh Lal, Dr. G. Kavitha
Abstract: Personal hygiene is very important issues for adolescent students. As hands are important mode of transmission of infectious disease among school-aged children, simple hand washing with soap helps to protect children from the two common global paediatric killers- diarrhoea and lower respiratory infection. The study observed that majority of school going boys is practicing personal hygiene. Moe than 90 % children are adolescents.37 % children are pursuing class VII and 44 % parents are illiterates.100 % boys do regular bath and 91 % brush their teeth daily.100 % students practicing hand wash and 48 % used soap for hand wash.66 % students replied that they wash hands after toilet.85 % students are maintaining their clothes clean and neat. It is also observed that 64 % students share their combs with other students.84 % students trim their nails regularly and 58 % percent students used handkerchief at the time of cough and sneezing.56 % students get awareness on personal hygiene issues from their teachers.
Keywords: Personal hygiene, Knowledge Attitudes, Practices, Primary school children, Warangal
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Pages: 1521 - 1524
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