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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Thermal Analysis of Hot Wall Condenser for Domestic Refrigerator
Akash D. Raiyani, N. R. Sheth, Niraj C. Mehta
Abstract: The Condenser is a heat transferring device. It is used to remove heat from hot refrigerant vapour. Using air cooling method condenser changes the vapour to a liquid. Convection mode of heat transfer plays very important deciding factor transferring heat from condenser tube to atmosphere. This paper presents simulation results of hot-wall condensers that are commonly used in vapour compression cycle based domestic refrigerators. This work is done on the real refrigerator, in present configuration of tube-plate configuration is point contact. Geometrical parameter affect the condenser performance so in this work change in design the condenser by changing the point contact between tube and plate by line contact with wrapping the plate on tube. The analysis is done in ANSYS 14 for existing configuration and result for the temperature distribution is validating by experimentally. After that analysis have been done by increasing the contact angle between tube and plate with same boundary condition. Compare the result of existing configuration and by changing the contact angle for the temperature distribution, heat flux and thermal gradient. From the result with the increase in contact angle heat flux and thermal gradient is increase.
Keywords: Hot wall condenser, Thermal, Heat transfer, Domestic refrigerator, ANSYS
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 622 - 626
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