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Dissertation Chapters | Nursing | India | Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10
Effectiveness of Hot Water Foot Bath Therapy on Temperature among Patients with Fever in S.R.M Medical College and Hospital, Kanjeepuram
Jobson Wilbert
Abstract: BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Fever or pyrexia is defined as a rise in the body temperature above 990 F (37.20 C). Water is an elixir of life. Natural minerals in these healing waters have long been known to promote health due to their restorative and detoxifying properties. Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, slowing down the activity of internal organs. Emerging research study suggests the potential benefits of hot water foot bath therapy on reducing body temperature. OBJECTIVES 1. To assess the temperature level of the patients before hot water foot bath therapy in experimental group and control group.2. To evaluate the effectiveness of hot water foot bath therapy in reducing fever among patients in experimental group.3. To compare the effectiveness of hot water foot bath therapy in reducing temperature level among patients in experimental group.4. To determine the association of changes in temperature with selected base line variables. HYPOTHESES 1. There will be a significant difference in the temperature between experimental and control group after hot water foot bath therapy at 0.05 level of significance.2. There will be a significant association of changes in temperature of patients with selected base line variables at 0.05 level of significance. METHODOLOGY An Quasi-experimental Time series Non-Equivalent Control group design was used. Using purposive sampling technique 30 adult patients above 18 years admitted with fever patients from S. R. M Medical College and Hospital, Kanjeepuram were selected of which 30 were assigned in experimental group and another were assigned in control group. Application of hot water foot bath therapy was done for experimental group and standard treatment for fever was given for control group and temperature was measured using thermometer. RESULTS The mean post-test temperature level after administration of interventions (100.267) was less than the mean pre-test temperature level before administration of interventions (101.120). The obtained t value was 4.004 which was significant at 0.05 level. The result shows that there is a significant improvement in the level of temperature after the application of hot water foot bath therapy. CONCLUSION The study concluded that the application of hot water foot bath therapy was found to be an effective measure in reducing temperature and was also cost effective.
Keywords: Hot water foot bath therapy, fever, patients, effect
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
Pages: 382 - 385
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