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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Fair Price Shop Tracking System
Pooja Hulgeri, Pramod Shivgunde, Rajanigandha Sangolgi
Abstract: GSM based fair price shop tracking system is an interesting GSM based project, mainly useful for fair price shops application. This project gives exact concept of stopping corruption by using a thumb detector. Basically this system is implemented by considering the need of below poverty line (BPL) card holder to get their food grain without interferes. In this project, first step is to design GSM based FPS tracking system. Thumb detector is interfaced to AT89s52. This thumb detector is used to match the fingerprint of valid customer. AT89s52 is used to store the information related to customer and GSM module is used to send the message to the higher authority. The power supply circuit is built to provide the required supply voltage to the circuit. The 7 Segment LCD display is used to display the user related information on the LCD display.
Keywords: FPS, GSM, thumb detector, AT89s52
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Pages: 605 - 608
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