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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Paper Mills Pollution Hazards on Ground and Surface Water Bodies of Adjoining Areas of Hasdeo River Champa, C.G. (India)
Madan Murari Vaishnav, Milan Hait, Pralhad K. Rahangdale
Abstract: Paper and pulp industrial wastes are associated with the nutrients, undesirable materials and heavy metallic elements. We have taken extensively study of GW and SW in and around of Hasdeo river, in which Madhyabharat paper mills effluents being continuously discharged. For this purpose, we have chosen eight different sampling spots: Four SW and Four GW respectively. Water samples were collected from Oct2012 to Mar2013; for the period of six months in pre-cleaned jerry canes and subjected for analysis of physicochemical, phenol and selected heavy metals like Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn by standard methods as per IS Procedures. The experimental results were interpreted by the statistical means. The result were found beyond the desirable and upper limit for EC (1258 S/cm), Turbidity (94 NTU), TSS (245 mg/L), DO (3.38mg/L), COD (140 mg/L), Phosphate (0.26 mg/L), Sodium (612 mg/L), Potassium (12 mg/L), Iron (0.865 mg/L), Cu (0.03 mg/L), Manganese (3.63 mg/L) and phenol (0.29 mg/L). On the basis of these selected water parameters, the WQI were found in the ranging of 99.840 at (MS3) to 100.733 (MG4). These elevated values of these parameters are of great concern to public health, when the water from these sources are consumed by people without treatment.
Keywords: Water quality, Paper Mill, Physico-chemical parameter, Statistical value and Public health
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 1146 - 1151
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