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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Education Management | Kenya | Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Relationship between Directive Leadership Style and Teachers? Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools Kenya: A Case of Nakuru County
Wachira T, Tanui E. K., Kalai J. M.
Abstract: This study explored directive leadership style practiced by head teachers and job satisfaction of teachers. The study was conducted among a random sample of 348 primary school teachers from Nakuru County, Kenya. Correlation design was used for the study while a researcher developed questionnaire was administered to respondents. Spearmans coefficient correlation analysis was used to predict relationships between variables. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between head teachers directive leadership style and teachers job satisfaction in primary schools. Teacher job satisfaction is influenced by headteacher in directing teachers through guiding and controlling them on how to carry out school tasks. These tasks need to be set clear withrules, guidelines, timelines and standards of performance. The expertise needed to achieve goals must come from a broader base of teachers with diverse skills and knowledge thus in experienced individuals need guidance. Directive leadership style requires leader to communicate to subordinates about the responsibilities formally in order to avoid ambiguity. Spearman rho correlation coefficient relationship between head teachers directive leadership style and teachers job satisfaction was found to be significantly positive. The study concludes leadership for head teachers was not based on specific leadership roles and standards therefore, the leadership system lacked adequate framework to determine competencies required to provide effective leadership in the complex school associated with job satisfaction. The study concludes that head teachers should utilize directive style to ensure that goal and tasks allocated are realized and meet timelines however, structures should be put in place to enhance teacher autonomy. Recommendations include developing formal framework strategy that prepares teachers while schools should continue focusing on leadership practices as part of their professional learning and leadership development.
Keywords: Directive leadership style, Job satisfaction, Work relationship
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
Pages: 1653 - 1657
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