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Survey Paper | Agricultural Economics | Sierra Leone | Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Assessing the Structural Arrangement of Small Ruminant Markets in Kumasi and Tamale, Ghana
Kassoh Fallah Samuel, Jusufu Abdulai, Dr. Kwasi Ohene-Yankyera
Abstract: This study sought to analyse the structural arrangement of sheep and goat trading in urban towns (Kumasi and Tamale) of Ghana using descriptive statistics and Herfindahl- Hirschman Index for market concentration. Kumasi and Tamale markets were purposively selected based on the progressive marketing and consumption of sheep and goats in these locations. Multi stage sampling method was used in this study. A pre-survey was carried out in Kumasi and Tamale metropolis in order to identify the existing markets and to generate the sample frame. Ten markets were selected five from each urban centre. A total of 284 traders were randomly sampled from the sampling frame. A semi structured questionnaire was used to collect relevant data. Data analyses were done using descriptive statistics. It was found that majority of the traders sell both sheep and goats and the enterprise is a sole proprietorship. It was also found that 35 animals were in an average batch and two (2) trips were made per month. Four actors were identified (producers, collectors, wholesalers and retailers) in sheep and goats marketing channel. Four channels were also identified and these channels were short with less value added to the animals. It was found that most of the markets were unconcentrated.
Keywords: Structural, Market, Ruminants and Unconcentrated market
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Pages: 868 - 875
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