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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Effect of Teaching Method and the Motor Educability towards Learning Result Skills to Play Basketball
Abstract: This research aimed to determine the effect of teaching method on learning the result Basketball for students who have a motor educability different. Teaching method consists of two kinds of method of teaching exploration and method of teaching command, meanwhile motor of educability consists of two levels such us high educability motors and motors lower educability. This research carried on in FIK UNIMED the fourth semester students of academic year 2015/2016. Research method is used is experiment with the design of the block 2x2. The collected data will be analyzed by using of variance (ANAVA). But for the second and third hypothesis used t-test. The research concludes are that the overall result of learning basketball in teaching students with exploratory teaching method is not better in compare with the learning result in teaching basketball to the teaching method of command. ( th= 4, 72 > tt = 1, 73). For students university who have a motor educability low, learning result that uses basketball to teach command method better than exercise method of teaching exploration ( th =2, 70 > tt =1, 73)
Keywords: The skill of basketball, exploratory teaching method, teaching method command and the motor educability
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 30 - 32
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