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Research Paper | Journalism & Mass Communication | India | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Changing Trends of Election Campaign in India A Study of 2014 General Election Onwards
Dr. Dilip Kumar, Meenakshi
Abstract: The present research is to examine the relationship between the use and the rise of social media as tools for political parties election campaign medium in India. In an Indian election system social media has becoming an important medium in campaign. These new forms of media are assume as a central role in attracting voters and especially the new generation of young adults. Social media helps political parties and candidates in more effectively reach a large number of voters in a short amount of time. Unlike traditional media, social media allow politician to actively engage with their potential voters. Social media allows political parties and candidates to share their beliefs, goals and accomplishments directly with voters, making them feel more directly involved with the campaign. Social media allows candidates to give their supporters a behind-the-scenes view of their campaign and more easily track engagement. These new forms of media also facilitate the collection of news most relevant to crucial target groups. The increases in the use and rise of social media are shown as significant and it is essential to do research. The present research is to give an attention to the use and rise of social media in the arena of politics and its impact in general and political participation by the general public. First the study is to examine for rise of social media as medium to reach voters. Secondly, why people were using social media during election campaign, based on these uses and gratification approach. The present study is to propose to analyze the rise and use of social media as election campaign medium during election time is based on uses and gratification theory.
Keywords: Social media, Election campaign, Uses and gratification theory, and India
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
Pages: 473 - 480
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